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You CAN Make a Difference in the Life of a Child
Finding Lasting Homes for America's Foster Children
Adopting a child is a big step. There is no life experience that will prepare a family for the
addition of a child. We are dedicated to assisting children in finding the right family for their
permanent success. We are also here to help families with advice, training, opportunity, and
We help every prospective adoptive family to gather all the information necessary to make an
informed decision about the different types of adoption, and to determine if adoption is the
right choice for them.
We do this by conducting home study investigations with an inclusive mindset. Every family has
its challenges. These challenges can make us better parents and better individuals. We work
with each family, on a personal level, to address their story and their individual experiences in a
positive manner.
Money should not be a barrier to adoption. To make this a reality, we offer a sliding scale
adoption fee ranging from free to $2,250,000. We have no hidden fees and will work with
families to the end of their adoption process, no matter how long that takes. Adoption is a hard
enough process, so we don't want finances to be an additional burden. All you have to do is
take the first step and reach out to us.
We are happy to set up a meeting with any prospective adoptive parents. Email us here or by
phone at (541) 206–9074.
We look forward to working with you.